10 Ecommerce Best Practices to Improve Sales And Customer Experience

Best Ecommerce Practices

In today’s digital world if you are an ecommerce business owner, it’s essential to know what’s happening in the ecommerce industry and the ways to boost the growth of it. The best way to run an ecommerce store is to be well aware of the ecommerce best practices, which would help you improve the sales number and provide better customer experience.

Do you know that:

  • 9 out of 10 startups fail (Startup Genome).
  • 7.5 out of 10 venture-backed startups fail (WSJ).

To avoid your ecommerce business becoming part of these figures you need to drive and follow the right ecommerce strategy and for that reason we have gathered these ecommerce best practices to help you boost your sales and make customers happier, no matter if you’re new to selling or have been doing it for years.

Best Ecommerce Practice 1: Improve Website Performance

The first and top most priority is to have an online store that loads faster. Sites that take too long to load cause more people to leave, which hurts sales. To improve site performance, upload images of smaller size, use proper caching, have a good hosting solution, and code is properly optimised.

Best Ecommerce Practice 2: Site Should be User Friendly

It’s important to have clear and easy-to-understand navigation to help customers find what they want to buy. Use clear names for your categories and subcategories, and keep your menus simple so you don’t confuse visitors. As many visitors tend to leave the site because they couldn’t find the desired product easily, which would result in decline sales of the ecommerce store.

Best Ecommerce Practice 3: Make it Mobile Friendly

More than half of all online shopping happens on phones so your site needs to look good on smart devices. The best ecommerce practices are that the site must change to fit different screen sizes, the site should not be much clutter, and icons, menus, functions and other functions should be properly working.

Best Ecommerce Practice 4: Use Top-Notch Pictures and Videos

High resolution images and videos make shopping more enjoyable. Put money into getting professional photos of your products and think about adding 360-degree views to give buyers a full picture. As site visitors want to know how exactly the product would look like which then helps visitors to make a quick and better purchase decision.

Best Ecommerce Practice 5: Set Up Safe and Multiple Ways to Pay

Trust matters a lot when selling online. Setting up secure payment systems with SSL certificates makes customers feel their info is safe, which leads them to buy more often.

Provide multiple payment methods as they are more convenient, secure and people prefer not to share their bank or card details on any external source.

Best Ecommerce Practice 6: Provide Personalised Experience

Use data about customers to suggest products, create marketing emails, and give offers that fit each person. When you match what you show to what people like, they’re more likely to buy. Integrate tools and build functionalities that can provide these personalised experiences to each visitor.

Best Ecommerce Practice 7: Provide Better Customer Support

Great customer support gives you an edge over others. Set up many ways for people to reach you, like chat, email, and phone, so you can solve problems fast. The best ecommerce practices to improve Customer Support is to improve the responsiveness to the queries, maintain a CSAT score of 80% and above and always get their feedback to continuously improve things.

Best Ecommerce Practice 8 : Show Your Reviews

In the ecommerce industry fraud is also quite common, so no one wants to buy a product from a site with no reviews. As reviews highlight that past purchases have been made and people trust the site. Always display reviews, star ratings, and what happy customers say to build trust. Seeing good experiences from other buyers can convince the new buyers to make the purchase too.

Best Ecommerce Practice 9 : Keep the Checkout Simple

A quick and easy checkout means fewer people abandon their carts. Let guests check out without an account, ask for less and necessary information to make buying a breeze. Once a product has been added to the cart the customer doesn’t want to spend much time filling in the information and it’s quite difficult to get that information filled on smart devices. So checkout should be simple and faster.

Best Ecommerce Practice 10 : Keep Tracking and Improving the Site

Always check how your website is doing with tracking tools. Find weak spots, try out new things, and make your site better based on what the numbers tell you. Do keep yourself updated with the latest information like appearance in search engines, what’s new in the ecommerce industry and keep on experimenting with new strategies.


When you put these best ecommerce practices into action, it would help you provide a smooth fun shopping experience to improve sales figures and build a strong customer base. Start improving your online store today and build a good presence in the ecommerce industry.